Michigan Made Raspberry Jalapeno Jam
Raspberry jam that bites back! Heat-seeking customers single this product out as having the best balance of “heat and sweet”. Although some may use this on their toast in the morning, most prefer it as an appetizer spread. Spread this over a block of cream cheese and serve with crackers as an easy appetizer or snack. It’s also great as a barbecue glaze or grilling sauce for pork or chicken. (Put it on just before taking off grill, so meat doesn't burn) Try it as a dipping sauce for chicken wings or Chinese food.
8 oz. Glass Jar
Handmade in Blanchard, Michigan
Quality ~ Taste ~ Tradition Established in 1998, Doodle’s Sugarbush, LLC produces award winning maple syrup by using modern technology and tradition. Headquartered in Central Michigan, our family has taken a different approach than most maple producers in that maple syrup production is all that we do. We live, eat and breath maple 365 days a year!